Preisverleihung des Pharma Trend Image & Innovation Award 2022 im Deutschen Museum.
RNATICS GmbH receives this year’s Pharma Trend Image & Innovation Award Top 2 „Das Innovativste Produkt®“ in the category breakthrough innovation for their novel drug candidate RCS-21 for the treatment of inflammatory respiratory diseases and COVID‑19.
The prestigious prizes were awarded in several categories for the 23rd time at a celebratory awards ceremony under the patronage of the Bavarian Minister of Health Klaus Holetschek, MdL. The Pharma Trend benchmarking study of innovation and sustainability interviews more than 1,000 doctors, pharmacists, and patients on behalf of the journal PharmaBarometer since 2000 and serves as the basis of the awards. In collaboration with BioM, the central network organisation for the biotechnology sector in Munich and Bavaria, commissioned by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, the winner of „Das Innovativste Produkt®“ in the category breakthrough innovation were selected.
We’re very honoured to receive the prestigious Award for breakthrough innovation. We thank the jury for this positive vote.
Dr. Thomas Frischmuth, CEO of RNATICS
RCS‑21 is a novel RNA-therapeutic acting targeted in macrophages of the lung, specialised immune cells, and is applied via inhalation. In severe cases of COVID‑19, excessive activation of the immune system in the lung is observed most of the time. This overactivation leads to lung damage and for COVID-19 typical scarring, so called fibrosis. RCS‑21 is not directed against the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus itself but prevents the overactivation of macrophages and the accompanying lung damage as a consequence of the virus infection. Therefore, the drug is anticipated to be efficacious irrespective of virus variants and could also be used with long-COVID patients.
The drug is the first in its class with such a targeted delivery mechanism and enables a bigger therapeutic effect. Potential side effects can be avoided.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Engelhardt, CSO of RNATICS
RCS‑21 has already shown its efficacy in pre-clinical experiments against induced lung damage. The further development in clinical trials is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with more than 7 Mio. €.
We’re extremely grateful for the support from BMBF to assess the efficacy of the drug in a first clinical trial.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Rabe, CMO of RNATICS